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Angelo’s & Vinci’s bids Fullerton farewell –

For direct link to the plans for Angelo’s & Vinci’s on the Fox block. Click Here

Frontier Real Estate hosted a meeting at Fullerton Library Conference Center about their updated proposal on the “Fox Block” on October 12. About two years ago, City Council voted to enter into a exclusive negotiation agreement with Frontier to come up with a “public market style commercial development.”

Frontier is taking the existing Angelo’s & Vinci’s property and a couple of city-owned properties and tying them together to create the Fox Block. The Block will include restaurants, retail shops, an outdoor dining area, a brewery, and a space for live entertainment. This will make Ellis Place’s entrance from Harbor Blvd closed. Pomona Ave. will be the entrance.

The parking lot in the triangle north of Ellis Pl. This will be transformed into small shops (titled “Building 1” on the picture); Angelo’s (titled “Building 2” (see the picture) The building will be remodeled. It will still have two floors, but it will accommodate five people. Two sit-down restaurants and a small restaurant will all be located on the 1st floor. The second floor will include a lounge area and a balcony.

In reference to Angelo’s closing, Tom Carpenter (Vice President of Acquisitions and Leasing at Frontier) said “She [Cynthia Peck, owner of Angelo’s] Retired is the best. It is our favorite restaurant. I don’t think there is any other restaurant like it…the spirit of that [building] It will be there. We are keeping the outer walls; we’re not making drastic changes to the outside, we are taking off some of the façade and cleaning up the property, but the building and the footprint and the spirit of the exterior will remain.”

Todd Huffman, Fox Theater Foundation director said, “Our group is excited about what we saw and it’s going to be a great addition to downtown Fullerton and a great compliment to the Fox Theater. It’s well-designed and looks like they matched the design of Fullerton College and Fullerton High School. We still need to see how the parking structure is going to work, but early indications look like it will be adequate.” He later said in reference to Angelo’s closing. “The reincarnation of Angelo’s and Vinci’s is going to be good; I think [Angelo’s founder] Steven Peck would have been proud.”

The plan will be submitted to the Planning Commission by end of month. It could be approved by City Council before the end the year. Construction could begin by the middle next year, and it is expected that it will take 15-17 month.


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