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Epson To End the Sale and Distribution of Laser Printer

Japanese electronics printer manufacturer Epson announced that it will cease the sale and distribution laser printer hardware in 2026. The company cited sustainability concerns. Report: According to the company, inkjets offer “greater potential” to make “meaningful progresses” in protecting the environment. Although the company had already stopped sales of laser printers in many markets, they continued to be sold in Asia and Europe. Epson promised that it would continue to offer consumables and spare parts support, even though the new hardware wouldn’t be available everywhere.

“As a company, we are completely committed to sustainable innovations and action and inkjets just use less energy,” said Koichi Kubota (Epson sales and marketing manager) in a canned statement. Epson’s Heat Free inkjet technology uses mechanical energy to ignite ink onto a page. Laser printers heat and fuse toner to a page.