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New designers inspired by digital print

Epson has demonstrated how digital print technology will support the development and production of the next generation printers.

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London Fashion Week, 2023 was full of digital prints.

Epson has shown how digital printing technology supports the next generation in designers.

During this year’s London Fashion Week, a number of pieces were created with digital print. Epson explains that this is because designers have chosen to use more colourful, unique and flexible methods to bring their inspirations from the imagination to the catwalk. 

Epson chose to highlight the independent avant-garde womenswear label IA LONDON. To ensure that vibrant colours last, the company partners with British digital textile printers. 

Designers use digital printing to create on-demand customisations. This process also reduces its environmental impact. This process makes use of wastewater, and it allows the most efficient usage of materials.

Epson also paid tribute Richard Quinn. Quinn is well-versed in the use of digital textile print to create clothing. At this year’s London Fashion Week, he won wide acclaim for his use of dye-sublimation.

The Japanese fashion designer Yuima Nakazto also gave us a glimpse of the future earlier this year by recycling old garments to non-woven fabrics and printing them with direct-to fabric print technology.

On-demand printing allows young people to see the circular economy in action. It is a thrilling spectacle.

“Key to evangelising print technology as a sustainable change agent within fashion is ensuring it has the right exposure to aspiring young fashion designers,” says Phil McMullin, head of sales for commercial and industrial at Epson UK. 

“Epson has collaborated with De Montfort University this year to build their education around direct-to-garment technology, an exciting partnership that enabled used t-shirts to see a new lease of life thanks to a digital textile printer. 

“Getting young people to experience this circular economy using on-demand printing is an exciting spectacle into the future of fashion, and we’re excited to see how the students will bring this to the catwalk.”

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