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WTTB adds to portfolio after taking on new kit

WTTB, a specialist trade equipment retailer, has now added clothing to its range of products.

WTTB in Sunderland and London, part of Precision Proco Group said it had been expanding its merchandise range for the past year. It now offers personalised apparel as part of this service.

A range of t-shirts – including budget, everyday, and organic – are now on offer, as are bespoke hoodies, tote bags, and aprons, which can all be printed with a unique image or logo.

Louise Stephenson is the managing director of WTTB. She said that this range was created in response for customer demand.

“We are constantly asked about t-shirts and other clothing items so it’s something that has been on our radar for quite a while.

“We have had a very good response so far to the new products and will be adding to our offering on a regular basis.”

The company invested in new machinery for the production of apparel. These include a DTFMagic DTF Printer, an H650 Shaking Powder Machine, and an HTP123Pro Heat Press. The kit is being integrated into the Precision Proco Group as well as WTTB.

The Language of Speaking Printweek, Stephenson added: “The fact that we can produce these items at an affordable price point is one of the drivers for us. There’s also been a huge surge in demand for personalised products and being able to offer these items to people who may be starting a company or developing a brand at a cost-effective price made it a logical step for us as a business.

“These are just the first items and we’ll be looking to develop the offering with additional products.”

She said that while apparel wasn’t an area the business had previously actively pursued, if a client did have a specific request, it had outsourced the work in the past for them as part of its service. Now, though, she said it can offer “one-off items at a competitive price with a quick turnaround”.

WTTB also expanded its seasonal product ranges to include items like personalised baubles, snow globes, and wrapping paper.